The Otter Gamba Hall

Hours of operation

Times are going to be subjected to changes due to me having a job :^) so just pay attention to the discord announcement channel please and thank you <3


Located Leviathan Mist Ward 29 Plot 15
Closest Teleport: Mist Northeast Teleport


The rules of this game are to not go over 21.
1 = 1/11
2-9 = 2-9
10-13 = 10
Dealer must stand on 17
Can double down whenever you'd like but you will have to pay your first bet.
Double Down = 1 hit only! Just let the dealer know and trade the dealer your added bet.
Minimum Bet: 100k
Maximum Bet: 2M
Blackjack Winners = 2.5x amount of original bet.
Hard 21 meaning 1+10
If you receive a hard 21 you get an instant payout :)
Soft 21 meaning you had to hit in order to get it.
Dealer Busts all those still in the game win 2x their initial bet
Dealer does not bust then only those with higher hand win 2x their bet
If Dealer gets a Hard 21, all bets are lost
There are no splits :)


♡ Dealer will draw 1 through 9. ♢
♧ Player will guess if next card is higher or lower. ♧
♡ Dealer will draw second card. ♡
♤ If guess is correct, you win!♤
♢ If guees is wrong, house wins!♧
♡ If the guess is the same as the card drawn, draw!♡
♤ You can push into the next round for up to three rounds.♤
♢ 1st Win - X1.5 Payout♢
♧ 2nd Win - X2 Payout♧
★ 3rd and Final Win - X2.5 Payout!★

Syncshell Information

Password: Ottergamba


Escort Services: 500k/30 Minutes
Lap Dance: 100k/15 Minutes
Escorts have the right to refuse services if they feel uncomfortable.